Article: What Your Car Says About You.
In this article on Forbes.com, it mentioned that our car tells others more about us than we think. For example in USA, Honda owners are usually technology savvy and practical, whereas 13% of Chevy owners do not use the internet. Apart from these more common automobiles, the article also mentioned the character and type of people who owns a Mini, Bentley and Rolls-Royce.
Though, the same statistics may not be true in Singapore, the reason and choice of vehicle is similar. It is no secret that Japanese car are the top choice in Singapore - just look at the amount of Toyota, Nissan and Honda on our streets - but luxury European cars like Mercedes, BMW and Audi not only act as just a vehicle, but also showcase the wealth and lifestyle of the owner. This is needless to say for the more exclusive English brands such as the Bentley and Rolls-Royce.
Why then do we have the impression that European car owners are always affluent? Or that the owner of a certain brand of car would possess certain characteristics?
The media hegemony theory suggests that the media is responsible for such misconception.
All car companies would try to identify themselves with a target audience group, be it the masses or the more affluent crowd, by using various marketing strategy such as advertising in media publication. In turn, the media would help these car companies promote their brands or products by portraying their client's product and brand in a very positive light, as it benefits both parties in many ways. This shows that the media usually represent the views of powerful elites, or in this case, rich companies.
On a side note, I would like to thank all those who have given me their insightful comments for
my weekly entry in this blog. =)